Protecting a brand from existing and potential threats is crucial for its growth, both in terms of popularity and revenue. Hence, it is crucial to opt for effective and result-oriented brand protection solutions, such as the ones offered by LetsVeriFy to ensure that these limitations are out of the way. Here’s how organizations can select the right brand protection solutions for their company effectively.
Does Your Business Need Brand Protection?
Every brand has its USP which makes it unique from other brands. There can be numerous brands selling the same product but still, the consumers buy from the brand which they trust and have their preference. Counterfeiters replicate this Brand Identity by duplicating the products which are hot in the market. They wait for you to create a popular product and then they steal it. To them, it’s simple. Once one copycat catches on, your design spreads like fire in the counterfeit world. The main motive of these counterfeiting practices is to develop the sales and profits which they are not getting.
The issues caused by counterfeiters targeting a renowned brand are far more than many brands take notice of. Counterfeiting is not only the sign of a few people making money by exploiting a brand’s intellectual property. Rather, the impact counterfeiting has on brands are quite severe:
- Plummeting Sales
- Bad for Reputation & Goodwill
- Impacts the trust of Long-Term partners:
- Legal Implications
- Loss of time and money fighting counterfeits
In this situation, brand protection solutions help to remove the counterfeiting practices which exist in the market.

The Main Reason Behind Using Brand Protection Solutions For Your Business
- Protect your brand from counterfeiting practices
- Maintain your brand’s USP
- Get rewarded for your creativity
- Boost Sales
- Run End-To End Traceability Solutions
- Engages customers with loyalty campaigns
Selecting The Right Solution For Your Brand
Understanding The Scale of Infiltration
Counterfeit infiltration is a problem that is faced by every industry, and almost two-thirds of customers who have unintentionally purchased fake or counterfeit goods have lost their trust in a brand. Fake goods that often fuel organized crime make profits at the expense of the companies, governments, and ultimately the customers, who are duped with inauthentic and low-quality products. The scale of infiltration is so extensive and wide, thanks to online channels and mediums, that it becomes incredibly difficult to differentiate between what is real and what is fake. Hence, selecting the right brand protection solutions is crucial for organizations who want to stay clear of these threats and potential losses.

Evaluating The Potential Brand Protection Solution Providers
The evaluation of potential brand protection solution providers should be comprehensive, extensive, and meticulous to ensure that the final solutions are in sync with the organization’s values, products, and are effective in protecting the brand and the company from counterfeiting practices in the supply chain. Here are a few parameters to look out for when selecting a potential brand solution provider:
Type Of Labels:
When it comes to securing the supply chain and stopping the infiltration, the first line of defense is opting for labels that offer protection by leveraging the latest technology and enable track and trace mechanisms. LetsVeriFy’s copy proof labels are some of the most advanced brand protection solutions available in the market today and use QR codes to improve and enable traceability and trackability for the supply chain. These labels use unclonable technology with 3D pattern mechanisms to ensure the complete protection of products. Moreover, these advanced labels also pave the way for verification of products before and after purchase and support multi-time verification.
Authentication Mechanisms
The authentication mechanisms ensure that the brand protection solutions can establish the authenticity of products in the supply chain by leveraging relevant and sophisticated technology and automation in the process. These include features like authentic product details, which include photos and videos on how-to-use and product unboxing, automatic detection, identification, and generation of field anomalies, and much more. The more advanced and user-friendly the authentication mechanisms are, the more extensive authentication measures can be implemented successfully.
When looking out and scouting for the best brand protection solutions, cost-effectiveness is one of the key parameters to look out for. While brand protection solutions are designed to increase overall revenue and decrease losses caused by infiltration in the supply chain, it is also essential to examine and analyze the financial viability of such solutions in the long run. Hence, ensuring that the brand protection solutions employed are cost-effective and sustainable is crucial for any organization, simply because counterfeit threats are constant, ever-evolving, and need a long-term solution rather than a short-term or one-time fix.
Fake Reporting Mechanisms
Fake reporting mechanisms must be included in the brand protection solutions as they can help in detecting anomalies, tracking disruption in the supply chain, and eventually handling and managing infiltration as a whole.
Backend Software & Analytics
Backend software and analytics are crucial parameters to look out for when selecting the right brand protection solutions for any organization, as they aid and enable tracking and tracing, and automation helps in simplifying the process and minimizing human errors that come with manual tracking by a huge and considerable margin.
Industry Expertise
Finally, industry expertise is also essential when selecting the right brand protection solution provider for a business, and experienced organizations such as LetsVeriFy offer insightful and relevant expertise for several industries to ensure that the solutions are specific and target the problem areas to fight and reduce infiltration across various industries. This ensures that expert analysts can direct the technology and effectively predict new trends.
Implementation is Everything
Use of Sophisticated Technology and Automation
Monitoring On-Field Activities
7 Advantages of Brand Protection Solutions

Counterfeiting is one of the most prevalent and common challenges that organizations face today, and according to The Global Counterfeiting Report of 2018, the amount of total counterfeiting globally is bound to reach 1.82 Trillion USD by the year 2020 which includes counterfeiting of all equipment and products from defense equipment to counterfeiting of watches. This highlights the need for anti-counterfeiting solutions, and here are 7 advantages of brand protection solutions that help you safeguard your company!
Enables Product Authentication
Brand protection solutions such as the ones offered by LetsVeriFy for different industries and sectors make product authentication possible and plausible. This helps in the prevention of the counterfeiting of goods and products. These solutions empower the consumers to verify products before or after they purchase the product. In case the product is a counterfeit/fake they can then report it to the brand directly. Moreover, they are also developed to bring your organization’s brand team together which is often spread out in different departments. This unification is crucial to protecting your brand across various verticals, and it is common to see branding professionals with two major concerns on their minds. First, every department under the larger brand cares deeply about keeping the brand safe.
Second, they often lack the understanding, knowledge, and awareness on how to go about safeguarding their brand from potential risks and threats that constantly loom over it. Moreover, the action plan to do the same, along with implementation is often vague, undefined, and weak. It is important to understand that brand protection is a multi-faceted function that has to be carried out by all departments. It is very common for people to assume that brand protection is a legal matter, and hence, only the legal team for an organization is responsible for it. However, every party, both internal and external, such as marketing, design, production, logistics operators, and even salespersons must be equally involved and dedicated to safeguarding the brand as a whole. Hence, unification is one of the major advantages of brand protection solutions and anti-counterfeiting solutions that are designed to protect your brand from external counterfeiting and related threats.
Links to Customers
Trust building and reputation management are perhaps two of the most important yet underrated functions that every organization must work upon. Brand protection solutions are designed strategically to help connect your customer to your brand easily and effectively. Trust-building is a lucrative process that involves interactions with stakeholders, especially the customers and the investors to ensure their active involvement in your brand.
Reputation building is wider, extensive, and often a long-term process that can take years of effort. However, counterfeiters threaten both of these functions significantly, and to protect and safeguard your brand from these very real risks, it is crucial to opt for effective brand protection solutions. At LetsVeriFy, we believe that trust and reputation go hand in hand, and hence, we provide unique, customized, and effective anti-counterfeiting solutions that are designed specifically for the industry in which your organization functions in.
Preserves Brands Goodwill & Prevents Revenue losses
Your brand has its uniqueness, USP, and characteristics that set you apart and help you build a customer and client base. Fake products are known to cause huge losses in revenue. Moreover, counterfeited and fake products also affect a brand’s goodwill significantly. No matter what the industry, brands need to preserve their authenticity and ensure that they stand out uniquely to thrive in extremely competitive markets and carve a niche for themselves. Your brand values and authenticity are what pull stakeholders such as customers, partners, investors, etc. to interact with your brand in the first place.
Unfortunately, a major threat to this authenticity is counterfeiters and criminals who seek to destroy and corrupt this authenticity, which can have major repercussions not only in terms of revenue and sales but also in the overall perception of your brand. At LetsVeriFy, we believe that brand protection solutions and anti-counterfeiting solutions need to be holistic, dynamic, and extremely efficient to ensure that this authenticity is not hampered. The multi-faceted nature of security can discourage brands from taking the first step, especially if they are not very familiar with the counterfeiting environment and scenario. Moreover, risks can be intimidating, and solutions can be complicated for brands who face this risk for the first time. Hence, opting for trusted and innovative solution providers like LetsVeriFy helps you understand the present scenario and take necessary measures to safeguard your brand’s authenticity in the long run.
Provides Real-Time Analytics
Brand protection is not a one-dimensional or one-time function. It is constant, consistent, and most importantly, should be sustainable in the long run to ensure continuous protection of your brand for counterfeiting threats and other associated risks. One of the biggest advantages of opting for brand protection solutions is that they give you real-time updates on verifications to enable effective and accurate tracking. Moreover, the automated generation of customer reports and timely detection of anomalies helps in tracing suspicious activities promptly. Another major advantage of opting for brand protection solutions to safeguard your company with LetsVeriFy is that you get access to sustainable solutions that are relevant to the current market scenario to help you build stronger and better partner relations and grow your brand.
Solutions need to be dynamic, since counterfeiters are constantly evolving and improving their methods of breaching and jeopardizing your business, and relentless adjusting, adapting, and attacking the defense systems your brand might implement. This is why at LetsVeriFy, we ensure that sustainability is integrated with every brand protection solution we provide for each industry, instead of misleading brands to opt for a ‘one-time solution’ simply because such a thing does not exist. LetsVeriFy’s brand protection solutions are relevant, specific, and grounded in on-going and real-time data about counterfeiters. By closely studying and monitoring their methods, activities, and practices, we strive to stay one step ahead and craft brand protection solutions that can help you forge better and stronger partnerships. Hence, we ensure that the brand protection solutions are not just effective, but also practical and sustainable in the long run.
Easy integration and Scalable
One of the biggest apprehensions and inhibitions that organizations have when opting for brand protection solutions to safeguard their brand is operational disruption. It is a common misconception that adding new counterfeiting protection solutions will involve too many steps and interfere with their existing functions and systems.
However, LetsVeriFy provides you and your brand with sophisticated and advanced brand protection solutions that are designed and crafted according to the industry your organization functions in and customized to give you a smooth, hassle-free experience. By providing a seamless integration process and utilizing trailblazing technological innovations, we ensure that implementing brand protection solutions and anti-counterfeiting solutions to safeguard the brand you have built with tireless efforts and resources is easy, simple, and most importantly, effective.
Supports Product Track & Trace and provides Diversion Detection
Finally, industry expertise is also essential when selecting the right brand protection solution provider for a business, and experienced organizations such as LetsVeriFy offer insightful and relevant expertise for several industries to ensure that the solutions are specific and target the problem areas to fight and reduce infiltration across various industries. This ensures that expert analysts can direct the technology and effectively predict new trends.
Brand protection solutions such as the ones provided by LetsVeriFy also include product and goods tracking and tracing in the supply chain, which is crucial to prevent counterfeiting in any industry. Through effective tracking and tracing systems, you get access to brand protection solutions that use machine-readable technology such as Quick Response (QR) Codes which are combined and closely integrated with sophisticated systems that enable instant tracking and verification, as well as to detect diversions to alert the organizations involved.
Digital Loyalty Campaigns
One of the most features provided through brand protection solutions is digital loyalty campaigns, which are strategically designed to effectively attract more users and retain them when compared to a conventional loyalty program. By helping your organization overcome problems such as fake coupons, low conversion ratios, low visibility, difficult management, and execution, digital loyalty campaigns help in improving user engagement and interaction by a significant margin. LetsVeriFy’s QR based customer loyalty programs are a great example of how brand protection solutions can go the extra mile to safeguard and benefit your company.
Key Industries that Use Brand Protection Solutions
Industries that use brand protection solutions to safeguard their business from counterfeiting practices:
- Pharmaceuticals
- Fashion and Luxury Goods
- Automobile
- Cosmetics
- Nutraceuticals
- Agriculture
- Apparel
- Food and Beverage
- Electronics
- Others
Accept the fact that Brand protection solutions are vital for business growth. It saves time as there is no dealing with counterfeiters. The industries can solely focus on expanding their business and not worry about the cheap tactics which the counterfeiters play. Hire LetsVeriFy to do the work on your behalf!

LetsVeriFy FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
Brand protection solution is the all-in-one step for protecting the intellectual property of your brand against counterfeiters, copyright pirates, and infringers of other types of intellectual property such as your patents, design rights, color marks, and trade dress.
Its motive is not only to safeguard the loss of revenue of your company but also to protect your brand’s image and reputation. A brand protection solution protects you from brand abuse which increases your overall value in the industry.
Don’t be a target of brand abuse as it may hamper your positioning in the market. Take a brand protection solution for your business NOW!
You cannot let your years of hard work go to waste because of some counterfeiting practices played by cheap competitors. Your brand is unique to you and especially to your customers. It’s quite hard to protect your brand from fake producers as the technology in counterfeiting practices is getting advanced day by day.
Due to this, the reputation of your brand may face a downfall. To avoid getting your product counterfeited by the competitors, you have to resort to brand protection solution measures:
- Identification of your fake product helps in noticing the counterfeiters.
- Register the Intellectual Property rights of your brand. It may be a little bit expensive but it pays off in the end.
- Using Anti-counterfeiting tools can protect your brand from fake suppliers.
- Appoint LetsVeriFy for your brand protection solutions and let us do the work for you!
Establishing a strong brand must be valuable for your business. The reputation of your brand is at stake when it is not protected from counterfeiting practices. A solid Brand Protection solution worked wonders for companies globally.
Here are some of the major benefits of protecting your brand:
- Provides you valuable time for your inventors, designers, and distributors.
- Improved sales as it removes the cheap counterfeits away from your business.
- Removes your fake products from the marketplace. Now your authentic products will be sold in the market.
- Get rewards for your creative work which is not stolen by cheap counterfeiters.
- Improves your brand’s reputation and awareness in the market.
Reap the benefits of having a brand protection solution and take your business to a next level without worrying much about counterfeiting practices.
You cannot deal with counterfeiters alone. You need to have a brand protection solution or else you need to suffer in the long run as well. Some of the challenges which your brand may have to face while trying to stop counterfeiting:
- The fake products may divert your sales
- Your brand reputation damages as the customer purchase fake products
- A damaged relationship with your distributors
- Fair chances of patent theft, and counterfeit products
- Brand attack by counterfeiters
- Loss of time and money while dealing with counterfeiters
Make sure you don’t become the victim of the tactics played by counterfeiters every day in the market. Take the help of brand protection solutions and safeguard your business with LetsVeriFy.
You are prone to brand abuse if your counterfeited products enter the online marketplaces, social media platforms, and e-commerce storefronts. Brand protection solutions protect your business operations by securing your intellectual property against the practices of counterfeiters, pirates, and infringers. Communicating your business is a sensitive matter. With LetsVeriFy Brand Protection Solutions, your job will become easier through:
- Maintaining your brand Reputation and Equity by eliminating fake products.
- Inclining other businesses to work with you for carrying out authentic processes.
- Improves your Return on Investment by mitigating the possible risks and financial impact resulting from lost sales to counterfeits, stolen web traffic, brand impersonation to fraud.
Counterfeiters give rise to their illicit activities at the speed of light. With the advancement of technology, it has become easier for them to cheat brands and the trust of the customers. Brand Protection Solutions will save your brand from counterfeiters and reach your audience to earn desired profits.
You should never forget that your business is not completely safe with other security and protection solutions as 100% reliability is not there. Brand protection solutions are far more reliable as it not only encourages anti-counterfeiting practices but also protects your brand’s reputation by safeguarding it from potential market risks and threats. It protects your brand from negative consequences and helps your business grow at a faster rate through:
- Ultimate protection from Counterfeiters
- Maintain the USP of your business
- Provides End-To-End Traceability Solutions
- Engages your customers with loyalty campaigns
- Protects the value of your brand
Your brand must undertake Brand protection solutions to make it as hard as possible for your counterfeiters to imitate the intellectual property rights of your business without your permission. In case of any abnormalities, the solution will easily detect and manage them by tracking disruptions in your supply chain, ensuring safety throughout the whole process.
Counterfeiters not only make money by supplying fake products of renowned brands. Their motives are way above the imagination of the brands. The problems created by counterfeiters targeting a well-known brand are numerous and have a deeper impact that may take a lot of time to analyze and overcome the problem. Here are some of them:
- Eroding Sales because of the availability of fake products at comparatively lower prices.
- Puts the reputation of the brands in jeopardy by making the potential customers doubt their operations that were once seen as reliable, trustworthy, and high-quality.
- Handling the grievances of unsatisfied customers instead of creating new ones.
- Utilizing the valuable resources of the business to fight counterfeiters, supposed to be spent on key processes.
- Losing trust with the business partners due to fake products.
It’s important that your brand needs to opt for advanced technology to overcome these underlying concerns. LetsVeriFy brand protection solutions prevent all these counterfeiting issues with ease.
Counterfeited products are present everywhere with an online presence. It is getting difficult for the consumers to identify the genuine products that are somewhere hampering the image and authenticity of the brand. Adopting the correct brand protection solution is now the necessity of every brand as it will aid and respond to any unauthorized trademark use and illicit supply of counterfeit products. Therefore, it saves the brand from the loss of revenue, declining sales, and significant damage to brand equity. Consider these aspects to select the right brand protection solution:
- Scale of fakes
Brands must understand the scale of infringements to audit and assess the current risk they are facing.
- Reach of operations
There can be multiple platforms where the brands are selling their products. More channels mean more risk from counterfeiters. Make a correct assessment of the channels.
- Efficiency
The success rate of the brand protection solution defines its efficiency. A reliable one will detect fake products quickly and eliminate them in the shortest time possible.
- Reporting
A good brand protection solution will do much more than simply detecting the fakes. A reporting system adds much more to the value that gives details of the potential risk.
- Technology
Innovation is a must in the digital counterfeited industry. A brand protection solution must integrate new technologies to stay a step ahead of counterfeiters.
- Expertise
Brands must ensure expertise while opting for the best brand protection solution. Industry knowledge will help the brands to detect illicit practices as early as possible. LetsVeriFy brand protection solutions incorporate all these aspects to fight against counterfeiters. Brands don’t have to worry about the supply of their fake products in the market.
Growth starts from protecting the business from potential risks that may hamper the processes and the image. Fake products are the biggest challenge for the top brands. Eliminating them will generate more profits and save the efforts. Here’s why brand protection solutions lead to business growth:
- Saves the valuable time of entrepreneurs and other stakeholders
- Improved sales due to removal of counterfeiters that erode the business
- Removal of low-quality imitations from the market and online channels
- Creates authentic product presence by giving rewards for creative work not stolen by others.
- Engages the distributors, retailers, and other intermediaries in partnerships by improving the brand’s reputation.
Brand protection solution is not the choice but the actual need to survive and sustain in the market. With LetsVeriFy, brands can seamlessly step the ladder of success by taking a stand against counterfeiters.
Brands protection solutions take actions against the infringement practices and cheap counterfeiters who use the intellectual property without permission leading to loss of revenue, deteriorated brand equity, reputation, and trust of the consumers. The primary role of these solutions is to ensure that the trademark, intellectual property, and copyrights are well protected so no counterfeiter can copy the USP of the brand to manufacture fake products.
The counterfeiters today keep themselves updated to copy authentic products. It becomes impossible for the brands and the end consumers to identify whether the product is original or fake. Brand protection solutions use unclonable technology to overcome this challenge. It gives a unique identity to every product and provides end-to-end traceability. Counterfeiters will not be able to create fake products or even supply authentic products on illegal platforms. Consumers can track the products and be aware of where they actually lie in the supply chain.
LetsVeriFy brand protection solutions are effective that not only reduce the extent of counterfeiting but completely eliminates it for a powerful brand presence.
LetsVeriFy’s foundational offering is access to our proprietary user platform, which catalogs information on every product being sold online right now and provides in-depth insight into the retailers involved in those sales. In addition to high-quality data, we back up our brand protection solution with a suite of managed enforcement services that have been shown to boost its effectiveness. We help brands establish their product’s authenticity and credibility.
The answer is ‘yes’. Our services are most useful in preventing counterfeits and knockoffs, but LetsVeriFy also excels at combating the gray market. But instead of concentrating on anonymous marketplaces, where counterfeit goods are sold, we decided to target the more visible sites. LetsVeriFy is committed to stopping the sale of “Sub-Par” products on reputable online marketplaces.