Anti-Counterfeit and Loyalty Platform for Electricals & Electronics
Why Anti-Counterfeit and Loyalty Platform is needed?
Counterfeiting is not a new term for the electronics industry as counterfeit electrical and electronic products now occupy second place after pharmaceuticals estimated to range anywhere between US$11 billion to $20 billion worldwide every year. Hence anti-counterfeit and loyalty platform is required.

Problems of Counterfeiting
- No proper way to verify product originality.
- Consumers get duped with fake products.
- No proper way to register or verify the warranty.
- Fake electrical products can lead to an accident.
- Leads to legal troubles for the brands.
Problems of Conventional Loyalty
- No direct link between the brand and its consumers & influencers.
- Fake coupons circulated in the market
- No real-time configurations can be made to the campaign
- No targeted reach and low conversion rate
- Very Cumbersome to manage and execute.
Our solution provides an effective anti-counterfeit & loyalty platform for Electrical & Electronic products that can protect and engage brands, customers, electricians, retailers & influencers. We also have options to include Digital Warranty to make the activation and claim process for it easy and seamless.
Solution to these Problems
- Smart labels with unclonable technology.
- A sophisticated engine having rule-based digitized loyalty and customer engagement.
- One-Stop solution to solve problems related to counterfeiting, digitized loyalty, track & trace, and warranty protection using a single label.

Our Solutions

Brand Protection
- Anti-Counterfeit & Loyalty platform provides unique identity to each product item using uncloneable smart labels.
- Pre-Purchase and Post-Purchase verification through SMS, WhatsApp, Web, or App.
- Can be scanned by consumers, electricians, field staff & mystery auditors.
- Automated identification and generation of reports and field anomalies.
- Comprehensive real-time analytics.
- Warranty activation and protection.
Digitized Loyalty Program
- Rule-based customized loyalty campaigns can be carried out for the beneficiaries.
- Real-Time configurations can be made in the campaign for products in factory or market.
- The campaign can be targeted to selected users.
- Reward users through cashbacks, loyalty points, vouchers, gifts, etc.
- Notify users through SMS, Email & App.
- KYC mechanism in place to identify legitimate users.

Track & Trace of the Products
- Provides complete details on the supply chain in real-time.
- Individual or multiple product items can be tracked and traced.
- Fully-Automated and Semi-Automated system setup.
- Product diversion and unauthorized distribution tracking.
- Comprehensive and real-time analytics.
Benefits of the Solution

Easy Product Verification

Protects Brands and Consumers from Counterfeiting

Comprehensive Analytics in Realtime

Prevents Product Diversion and Un-Authorized Distribution

Effectively Guage the Impact of Loyalty Campaign

Provides Authentic product Information

Engages Users and provides their feedback

Enhances Supply chain visibility