Brands have been conscious for a long time about adding many overt and covert security features to the packaging of their products which facilitates distinguishing between a fake and original product. But this is possible only if end-consumers have an easy product authentication and effective means to identify and verify the products. It’s important to have such security features so as to prevent counterfeiting but it’s equally important that for customers it is simple and easy.
We have over time experienced that having security labels on the product will not solve the complete problem. It will be solved only if customers are easily able to verify the product through these labels. But sometimes customers get confused with the verification process, even simple mechanisms like using an App, SMS, or Website can be tricky and confusing for some customers.
How we made product authentication easy?
Firstly, product verification should happen on a platform that is common and widely used. Secondly, the process should be easy, simple, and quick. These points are essential for making product verification easy.
Considering the above points, we thought to facilitate product authentication over a platform which is most widely used among the users for communication. And what’s better than WhatsApp as it could solve this problem. This led to our team to figure out the best way possible of integrating WhatsApp with our LetsVeriFy platform and with concentrated effort we were able to deliver an intelligent Authentication process having all the features.
Product Authentication with WhatsApp
WhatsApp is the most actively used Messaging App with over 2 billion users worldwide. These days it has become an essential tool for communication in our life. Almost everyone has WhatsApp on their phones thus it makes a lot of sense that customers can use it to verify their products.
How it works
- WhatsApp LVCode as present on the label or a clear photo of QR on +917997076076
- Complete the follow-up steps in the verification process
- Along with verification confirmation, all the details of the products will be shown.

With WhatsApp, verification of the products will be easier and more convenient than before as the users will be more comfortable in using it as part of their go-to mechanism for verifying products. The mechanism can not only be used for product authentication but also for reward schemes, loyalty programs, user KYC etc. thus bringing the entire spectrum of product authentication and customer engagement services under WhatsApp.
The possibility of providing such services on a single platform is due to the sheer popularity and mass appeal of WhatsApp. This worldwide familiarity of WhatsApp should excite the industry leaders in adopting the technology across their product lines for authentication and customer engagement which will ultimately bring more trust and value to the brand. Going ahead this can become a ubiquitous tool for product authentication with multiple renowned brands adopting it.

- Verification does not require any specific log-in or registration from users
- No need to download any particular App to verify the product
- The verification process is fast and easy
- All the product details are along with images are shown to the customers
- Supports reward and loyalty campaigns
Along with our central authentication and engagement services through WhatsApp, we also support white labeled implementation for product authentication through WhatsApp.
We are ready for the next big wave in product authentication segment. Are you?
Get to know more about our different solutions for Brand Protection, Customer Engagement & Loyalty and Track & Trace.
- Brand Protection / Anti-Counterfeiting Solution
- Customer Engagement and Digitized Loyalty
- Product Track and Trace
To know more about the WhatsApp integration for product authentication and all its features please get in touch with our team via or call us at +919811298429, +917906834282