Counterfeiting has been a big challenge all over the world but are brands using necessary and effective mechanisms to fight against fake products?
In our daily lives, we as end-consumers are into buying products of different brands ranging but not limited to Bags, Medicines, Sports Goods, Electrical items, Electronic goods, Liquor, Supplements, etc. Each time we buy them we are faced with a dilemma whether the product is genuine or not.
How to avoid counterfeit products?

Probably and mostly we check the packaging of the product, the look and feel, MRP, Expiry Date, Manufacturing Date, Hologram and other abstract ways to ascertain the originality of the item we are purchasing or we go to our trusted stores/shops/showrooms to buy.
This way we build our trust into a brand and the shops be purchase from. This also involves using the product for a while and then ascertaining its originality.
- How many of us do go back to the shop if we don’t feel good about the product?
- How many of us report a problem with the product to the brands?
The above scenarios bring very prudent questions on how to stop counterfeit products
- Does a brand have adequate mechanisms to adopt for Anti-Counterfeiting.?
- Are the brands educating their end-consumers.?
- Does the brand know where the product is selling as fake.?
- Do we as end-consumers have adequate mechanisms to check whether a product is genuine or not.?
Technologies to prevent counterfeiting
With the advent of digital technologies like 2D Codes, QR Codes, Readable Holograms, and other Proprietary Technologies, the means are there for a brand to adopt and address this problem. Leveraging the benefits of a mobile phone, be it a feature or smart one, the adoption of these technologies become very easy.
The essence lies in giving power in the hands of end-consumer to effectively check and ascertain that the product is genuine or not and most preferably before the product is purchased.
The end-consumers should also be able to get in touch with the brand to convey about the product being fake or not. If there is any illegal activity going, let the end-consumers be your eyes in the market and provide you with valid information about any such activity. This brings about responsibility on a brand’s part that it should take the information with an earnest intent to act on it and at the same time protect the confidentiality of the information provider.
We as part of the LetsVeriFy team have envisioned a future where our technology provides means to both the brands and the end-consumers to tackle and fulfill their part of social responsibility in regards to the problem of counterfeiting.
Our newest product based on 3D pattern unclonable technology provides a powerful and a revolutionary solution to the problem of counterfeiting.
Our solution offerings include Brand Protection (using QR + 3D pattern “BeadalTag”, QR + Scratch based and Only QR labels), End-Consumer Engagement & Loyalty Program suite and Product Track & Trace. We also provide fully customized enterprise solutions as per need for all the above.
We are keen to hear from you and get you feedback about our solution and offerings. Please do see our solutions in detail using below links