The problem of counterfeiting is not new. The supply of fake products has been there for quite a long time. Counterfeiters have the ability to fool the consumers by smartly copying authentic products, on online/offline channels. In the end, it’s the consumer’s trust that breaks after purchasing the fake products. These practices have evolved over the years and are estimated to grow tremendously. There is a need for an advanced technological approach to tackle the ever-diversifying counterfeiting issues. Keeping these issues in consideration, We designed LetsVeriFy an Anti-Counterfeit app that can act as a medium to verify the originality of a product. With the objective to deliver a striking blow to counterfeiting.
It’s necessary to protect the trust of the consumers in brands. Once their confidence is over from a brand, they’ll never return. As a result, businesses have to suffer huge losses. Removing fake products from the markets has become a responsibility now. LetsVeriFy is driven to meet these motives. By creating the highly advanced Anti-Counterfeit app, we took a strong stand against counterfeiting practices. This innovative and cutting-edge application empowers end consumers to check the product’s authenticity using smartphones. It’s that easy! This app keeps end consumers one step ahead of counterfeiters.
A customized loyalty App is a perfect solution to identify fakes
We designed LetsVeriFy App not just to solve the problem of counterfeiting but to also bring brands and their customers closer to one another. LetsVeriFy App helps brands to reward their customers with custom rewards and campaigns. It also enables notifying end-customers on any new event like a product launch, festive schemes, and offers, etc. End-Customers verifying their products can get product details, lab reports, catalog, etc. They can rate and share feedback on that product directly with the brand.
With a total of 5,00,000 downloads and 4 million verifications, our app is going stronger to fulfill our vision to empower product authenticity.
One app, multiple benefits!
LetsVeriFy Custom Loyalty App comes with a range of benefits to ease the hassle of the brands and consumers. Check out some of them:
- Ensures product’s authenticity to end-customers
Consumers can easily identify whether the product is real or fake. It allows them to ensure the authenticity of the products that enables them to trust the brand offerings. This motive of our anti-counterfeiting solutions increases brand value and presence.
- Reports Fake Products in Real-Time
If counterfeiters try to hamper the processes, the LetsVeriFy app sends alerts to the end-users in real-time. It allows them to spot fake products right at their fingertips.
- Engages customers with rewards and campaigns
It is the best benefit for the customers. The app is designed under our QR Code loyalty program. All consumers have to do is scratch the card QR code in the app to claim their rewards.
- Supports Digital Warranty Activation
Every consumer looks for warranted products. It ensures that products will be replaced if found counterfeited or broken. This aspect is crucial for online platforms. LetsVeriFy offers digital warranty activation solutions that encourage user trust in a brand.
- Provides authentic feedback from customers
The app collects honest and valuable feedback from the consumers. It helps us to identify the loopholes if there are any. The consumers will always receive improved services from our end.
- Notify customers about the brand
Brands want to make sure of an authentic supply of their products. This app allows consumers to identify reliable brands for better engagement.
- Custom Loyalty campaigns for influencers, retailers, and distributors
Businesses can use our customer loyalty program in the app to boost the sale of authentic products and foster relationships with consumers. Influencers, retailers, and distributors can attract a potential audience for better brand engagement.
- User registration
The users have to register on the App to complete their product verification process. After they have successfully registered, they can avail all the benefits.
- Provides complete product details
The product details inform the consumers that helps them to spot the fakes on online channels. Whenever they make any purchase, the complete list of the product details will come in the app.
The progressive technologies are easing the hassle of smart users. Don’t step back in downloading the best anti-counterfeit and loyalty app. Ensure product authenticity with the advanced offerings of LetsVeriFy.