Digital transformation-LetsVeriFy

How to Digitally Transform Your Products?

Digitally transform means converting your simple on the shelf Products into Smart Products.  Smart Products allows brands to change their business models and adapt to the emerging market reality. They help in analyzing the needs of the consumers and leverage efficient technology to make the best product experience. With Smart Products brands can create high customer engagement. These customers are two times more likely to purchase with their preferred brand, even if a competitor is offering a better product or price. 

For the successful transformation of a product to Smart product, it’s important to have a strategy. LetsVeriFy can help your brand to create a framework to follow this ever-evolving process. Here’s know-how LetsVeriFy well-formulated solutions can be used for an effective transformation to Smart Products: 

  • Gives each Product a Unique Identity 

LetsVeriFy digitally transform your product to overcome the problems in supply chain management. Our solution provides each product a unique identity by using smart QR labels that can be pasted or printed on the product. 

  • Authentication with Anti Counterfeiting Solutions 

With Smart Products, it leaves no chance for counterfeiters to dilute its authenticity. Anti-counterfeiting solutions provided by LetsVeriFy effectively fight the growing problem of product duplication. Our brand protection solutions give each product an Unclonable and unique identity where a simple QR Code label converts them into a smart label. This distinct identity created can be easily verified by end-consumers using Mobile App, WhatsApp, SMS, and Web App. The powerful features of anti-counterfeiting solutions like unclonable label technology, easy product verification, fake product elimination, authentic product details easily transform your products digitally. 

  • Loyalty and Customer Engagement  

What is the reason behind the success of any brand? A Loyal customer. LetsVeriFy brings effective solutions that can help in retaining and engaging them. Rewards like Cashbacks, Gifts, etc can be easily dispersed on selected products. It’s important to note that these features are only possible when the product is digitally transformed. When a unique unclonable QR Code is assigned to any product, it protects brands, consumers, influencers, and the supply chain from fake coupons with accurate product information. The program also offers other features that create an opportunity to understand the modern-day buyer, engage with them, and deliver their expectations with a multi-channel customer experience. 

  • Products tracking and tracing 

A Smart Product can be also tracked and traced in real-time. It can easily be mapped at multiple levels like individual level, mono carton level, carton level, and many others. This type of tracking and tracing is available on enterprise integration and can be customized depending upon needs. It’s a completely customized, Fully, Semi-Automated, and Cloud-Based solution that overcomes the emerging challenges of today. Be assured of the authenticity of the product at each step by smartly transforming it digitally. 

Digital transformation of products involves much more than the traditional manufacturing process. Technology has empowered customers to demand only the best from the upcoming brands. It’s high time that you should switch and render your products to the technological advancements. Understanding your core mechanisms and processes in product development will help you identify the opportunities before witnessing the potential of digital transformation.

These smart solutions of LetsVeriFy enable the brands to offer smart products to their customers for a safe future. We understand how much hard work, innovation, and constant effort goes behind to make your brand successful among your customers. We are just fulfilling your purpose of keeping your brand identity unique with our powerful solutions. 

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